How to reduce pet hair

Any dog lover will tell you that dealing with dog shedding is one of the downsides of owning a puppy. Each square inch of dog skin contains about 15,000 hairs. That’s a LOT of dog dust bunnies that can form on furniture and floors.

Although many dogs experience a major shedding period once or twice a year, the truth is that their hair is constantly shedding and replenishing. If you find dog hair everywhere in your home, read on for tips on how to control them.

Brush your dog regularly

Start at the source by targeting dog hair before it has a chance to fall out and collect in your home. Make brushing a regular part of your pet’s care routine.

Brush your dog as often as possible, using brushes and combs designed for their coat type. A stiff-bristle brush is usually suitable for short-haired dogs, while those with longer coats may need a scratching brush. Your veterinarian or groomer will be able to make some recommendations on the type of brush that is best for your dog’s coat.

Some dog breeds — often those originating from regions that spend the winter — have undercoats. This is the soft, fluffy coat closest to the skin, helping to protect the skin from cold weather. It also tends to fall out as the weather gets warmer, contributing to more hair accumulating in your home.

If your dog has an undercoat, you may need a brush designed to penetrate the upper undercoat and trap loose hairs in that inner layer. And no matter what type of dog you own, you may want to purchase a grooming glove to add to your grooming arsenal. These gloves will gently remove hair from your dog’s coat while they enjoy some direct time with you.

Bathing also helps

Bathing your dog will not only help get rid of that unpleasant dog smell, but it will also help remove lint from your couch and floor. You should also brush your dog’s coat before bathing him to help remove mats, tangles, and get rid of extra hair.

Try dog bath products formulated to help reduce shedding. Always use shampoos and conditioners specifically made for dogs; Human shampoos often contain harsh ingredients that can dry out your dog’s skin and produce more hair.

Daily vacuum

One of the best ways to prevent too much dog hair from accumulating in your home is to vacuum — every day, if possible. A regular vacuum with accessories to reach the nooks and crannies of the room should suffice, but you may want to invest in a vacuum that targets pet hair.

These models are usually designed with tangle-free brush rolls, which resist bristles. They also come with special accessories that can remove fine hair from upholstery, stairs and vehicles.

If you already own a traditional vacuum and don’t want to spend money on a second one, there are portable pet vacuums available that can remove hair from furniture and clothing.

If you don’t have time to vacuum, you can use a rubber broom to sweep up carpets and furniture. Rubber creates a static charge as it enters the container with carpet and upholstery fibers, attracting pet hair to its fur. It also forms tufts of hair along the surface, which you can then pluck and discard.

Don’t forget to vacuum the places where fur accumulates and hides, such as under radiators, beds, and around table legs. Vacuuming also helps reduce doggy odors that become too strong around your home.

However, periodic vacuuming may not be enough to remove dog odors from carpets and rugs. In that case, you can try using a carpet cleaning service to deep clean your carpet. Use a service like Chem-Dry carpet cleaning, which uses eco-friendly ingredients and steam to clean carpets and rugs.

Clean bedding

Because dog hair has the potential to get on blankets, comforters, pillows, and bed sheets, you should wash all bedding at least once a week to keep your pet’s coat free. Don’t forget to regularly clean the hair collected on the dryer’s lint screen.

Sweep or mop the floor

Sweep or vacuum daily from your hardwood floors before hair has a chance to build up. Look for pet hair removal brushes with soft, scratch-resistant rubber bristles. Not only do they sweep away hair on hard floors, but they are also designed to brush hair on carpets, bedding, and even clothing to cling to dog hair.

Mop tile and linoleum floors in your kitchen and bathroom areas to help get rid of dog hair in these rooms.

Don’t forget the dust

Depending on your dog’s size and breed, you may find dog hair on hard surfaces like tables and shelves. Dust or vacuum these areas regularly to remove hair. Wipe down kitchen and bathroom counters with a damp cloth to remove the bristles.

Keep pet hair removal tools handy

From lint brushes to duct tape, there are plenty of tools you should bring with you when you need to remove dog hair from an area of ​​your home immediately.

For example, a simple pair of rubber housework gloves can remove hair from furniture. Sweep them onto upholstery and watch the fur shine up, which you can then vacuum or throw away.

Stock up on lint brushes and rollers for lint-free clothes, chairs, and couches. The extra sticky tape should also do the trick. If your dog is traveling with you, keep a few of these items inside your car as well to maintain your car’s interior in between vacuuming.

Give your dog designated sleeping areas

If dog hair is a problem in bedding and other furniture, putting your pet to sleep alone can help prevent them from sleeping where you don’t want their hair. If you still can’t keep them out of certain areas (or you just can’t deny them), covering blankets or sheets over beds and chairs will help protect furniture from being covered.

Throw away clean clothes

Dog hair doesn’t just stick to furniture; Your clothes may also get stuck in it. While you don’t want to stop cuddling with your pet, you can prevent them from getting hair on your clean clothes by giving them a quick wash. Leaving laundry clean on the bed and floor is just an open invitation for the dog to lie down or sniff around.

Walk and exercise your dog

Taking your dog outside for regular walks or play can reduce the amount of hair they shed indoors because they will shed some hair out of the house. And luckily, their coat is likely to shed a lot during the spring and summer – when you can take them outdoors to explore the yard or take them to the doggy park to unload some of that fur. out.

Set some areas out of bounds

You can designate certain rooms in your home as off-limits for your dog to prevent hair from accumulating in these areas. Close doors to rooms you don’t want your dog to enter or use closed gates to prevent them from roaming around the house.

Add oil to your dog’s diet

Sometimes adding moisture to a dog’s diet can improve the quality of their skin and coat and reduce shedding. Flax, olive, and coconut oils are good choices and can all be found in supermarkets. You can give your dog a spoonful, mix it in his food, or massage a little oil topically onto their coat and skin.

Take your dog to regular vet appointments

While it’s normal for dogs to shed, excessive shedding that doesn’t seem to stop could be a sign of allergies or another health problem. You should take your dog to the vet for regular checkups to make sure there is no underlying condition causing them to shed more hair than usual.

Your veterinarian can also give instructions on what type of diet your dog should be able to keep his coat healthy and minimize shedding.

No more dog hair everywhere

Finding dog hair everywhere is a fact of life when living with man’s best friend, but following the tips above can help keep it under control. Above all, keeping the house and dog clean is a top priority to prevent hair from accumulating on floors, furniture, friends!

For more tips on how to live with dogs, check out our latest pet posts.

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